peppercorn (black or white)
pepper (red in color)
sea salt
spice (yellow in color)

Keep in a cool, dry place with comfortable energies for storage. Can be put in a bowl in a room that needs cleansing, sprinkled on hot wax, burned as incense, gently tossed about a room... The intent here is to banish some kind of entity or energy that is making a person or group of persons uncomfortable.

*Not recommended for use with fleshy beings (ie. living humans or animals). Also tastes good in chili, depending on the spice used.
black pepper
chili powder
tapioca starch for filler

Keep in a container and sprinkle about a room, in the wax of a burning candle, or place in a sachet to keep with.

*Tapioca powder is listed as a filler because the darker color of the powder itself did not "feel" right to me as a protection powder. Also, some people use wheat flour or corn flour in this (I was going to try leaving out the filler, period), but I cannot be anywhere near wheat, and I honestly did not think having corn flour all over the place when I sprinkled it was very attractive.

You can use store-bought ground cloves, or whole cloves and grind them on your own.